Author: Sophie Hanessian

Evolution within Vege’tables

Nadia se retire de la direction de l’entreprise

Nadia wants to move on to new professional/entrepreneurial projects (stay tuned!) and Sophie will take over the general management of the company.

Nadia Hanessian wants to move on to new professional/entrepreneurial projects (stay tuned!) and Sophie Hanessian Ⓥ Sophie will take over the general management of the company.

However, this is not the end of the H-Sisters’ collaboration, as Nadia will continue to support Vege’tables as an external consultant, but also as a sister.

So don’t be surprised to see her carrying a tray or taking part in Vege’tables events in the future!

A big thank you to Nadia for her exceptional commitment, creativity and leadership over the past 3 years.